Friday, November 12, 2010

Baby Name for an Awesome Kid

I really, really like the name Wolfgang. Wolf Trinsey sounds like he's awesome, and I TOTALLY want to be that kid's mom.

But there is a small part of me that wonders if this is just crazy pregnancy hormones this a bad idea? Is might be too weird. That's a big name for a little baby.

I can imagine my son looking up at me after the first week of school..... "Mom, what were you thinking?! Wolfgang? Who do you think you are? Gweneth friggin' Palrow? Or that spice girl that married David Beckham!?

Ben judges all boy's names on the following criteria: Does he sound like a professional football player? Wolf clearly passes this test.

Wolfgang Trinsey, esquire- Awesome.

Wolfgang Trinsey, MD- absolutely.

Wolfgang Trinsey, Certified Public Accountant. YES! He even makes being an accountant sound bad-ass! In fact, I think the lack of 'Wolf's' in the field of accounting is the reason I've never visited an accountant before, and therefore the cause of my financial disorganization.

President Wolfgang Trinsey doesn't sound so great. Maybe only in an X-Men movie. But who really wants their kid to get involved in politics anyway? Win-win.

Pregnancy So Far: Pro/Con

(-) constant nausuea. This shit is no joke. I spent all of september and october trapped in nausea/vomitting hell. For two months, I felt like I was in a massive hangover, and to all my friends at work, that's exactly what it seemed like. I looked like shit, I vommitted 3-4 times a day and wasn't really eating. I lost weight. This part blows.
Eventually, I worked out some finely-tuned systems for managing the nausea, which I compiled into a list.
(-) fatigue. Also no joke. To be fair though, I was already a very serious 8-hours-of-sleep-every-night gal, so my current 9 (sometimes 10) isn't really that huge of an adjustment.
(-)  Constant fear of miscarriage. See other post and post

(+) SEX DREAMSSSSSS  seeing how shitty I feel for most of the day, these make my nights a relief on so many levels. These dreams are epic, by the way. Its like pregnancy has unscrambled the spice channel in my mind.
(+) Hearing the hearbeat!
(+) growing a human inside you! I still can't believe this is the system for maintaining the human race. If I was a martian, I would place my bets on the stork story before believing that humans grow inside of other humans and then come out of a very small hole. I'm surprised we've lasted this long.
Anyway, even though I think its conceptually bizarre, I feel a great sense of accomplishment. I'm growing a human! I know I can't really take full credit, I had Ben's help and well, evolutionary biology is doing most of the heavy lifting here- but dammit, this thing is incubating inside me!
I love it when Ben and I talk about our days, because no matter what he accomplished (and its usually a great deal since he is in the process of building us a house), I win because I'm making a human! Score!